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my letters and sounds

The e-reader library features digital versions of every Phonics Reader from the My Letters and Sounds programme.

These electronic books are provided in a flexible and secure FlippingBook format that can easily be displayed on digital devices.


My Letters and Sounds e-reader library

Gain access to digital copies of 110 fully decodable Phonics Readers with the My Letters and Sounds e-reader library. Designed for displaying on whiteboards, computer screens and tablets, this digital library platform contains every fictional and non-fictional decodable Reader from the My Letters and Sounds systematic synthetic phonics (SSP) programme.

How to use the library

Schools, home educators and tutors can access the library via a subscription to our web-based platform. The phonics e-books can then be used for modelling reading at the front of class or reading as a whole group. They can also be used for one-to-one practice sessions or with small groups of up to six children who are at the same level in their phonics knowledge. Children can use the e-readers to practise reading at home and in the event of remote learning.

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