Schofield & Sims resources are written by experienced teachers to support the Early Years Foundation Stage and the National Curriculum for key stages 1 and 2. Focusing on the core subjects of maths, English and science, many of our books are suitable for whole-school use.
Also in this section
Complete ComprehensionView Series
Complete Comprehension is the essential companion for teaching reading comprehension in your school. Written by a team of expert authors, it provides you with everything you need to develop the individual comprehension skills identified in the National Curriculum, alongside the broader vocabulary and background knowledge required for effective reading comprehension.
Complete Comprehension Book 1 (Year 1)
Teachers' Price: £75.00
for ages 5 to 6
Complete Comprehension Book 2 (Year 2)
Teachers' Price: £75.00
for ages 6 to 7
Complete Comprehension Book 3 (Year 3)
Teachers' Price: £75.00
for ages 7 to 8
Complete Comprehension Book 4 (Year 4)
Teachers' Price: £75.00
for ages 8 to 9
Complete Comprehension Book 5 (Year 5)
Teachers' Price: £75.00
for ages 9 to 10
Complete Comprehension Book 6 (Year 6)
Teachers' Price: £75.00
for ages 10 to 11
Grammar and PunctuationView Series
Comprising six pupil books and six accompanying teacher’s guides, one for each primary school year, Schofield & Sims Grammar and Punctuation is a comprehensive programme for teaching grammar and punctuation while also building on vocabulary, reading and writing skills.
Grammar and Punctuation Book 1 (Year 1)
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 5 to 6
Grammar and Punctuation Book 1 Teacher's Guide
Teachers' Price: £8.00
for ages 5 to 6
Grammar and Punctuation Book 2 (Year 2)
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 6 to 7
Grammar and Punctuation Book 2 Teacher's Guide
Teachers' Price: £8.00
for ages 6 to 7
Grammar and Punctuation Book 3 (Year 3)
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 7 to 8
Grammar and Punctuation Book 3 Teacher's Guide
Teachers' Price: £8.00
for ages 7 to 8
Grammar and Punctuation Book 4 (Year 4)
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 8 to 9
Grammar and Punctuation Book 4 Teacher's Guide
Teachers' Price: £8.00
for ages 8 to 9
Grammar and Punctuation Book 5 (Year 5)
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 9 to 10
Grammar and Punctuation Book 5 Teacher's Guide
Teachers' Price: £8.00
for ages 9 to 10
Grammar and Punctuation Book 6 (Year 6)
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 10 to 11
Grammar and Punctuation Book 6 Teacher's Guide
Teachers' Price: £8.00
for ages 10 to 11
My Letters and Sounds Phase Two ReadersView Series
The My Letters and Sounds Phonics Readers are exciting, fully decodable stories that perfectly match the progression of the My Letters and Sounds SSP programme. Phase Two Readers introduce the first 23 GPCs as well as tricky words ‘the’, ‘to’, ‘I’, ‘go’ and ‘no’.
Cam and Kat: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Big Hug: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Pip: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Tim: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
It is Fun: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
On the Hill: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Sit: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Top Hat: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Pet: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Peck, Peck Peck: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Cup: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Min and Sid: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Pick and Pack: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
In the Net: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Kit: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
On the Red Rug: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Run, Bug, Run: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Big Pot: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
At the Till: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Mess: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Sam: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
A Gap: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Dig It: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Man and Dog: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Go Get Nan: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Pin: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Sip: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Dad: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Tap It: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Pop on Top!: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Pack It!: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Rap, Tip, Tap: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Duck: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Sid: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Picnic: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
My Letters and Sounds Teacher HandbooksView Series
The My Letters and Sounds Teacher Handbooks include everything you need to teach systematic synthetic phonics with confidence. Based on a more robust and fully resourced version of the original 2007 Letters and Sounds, the handbooks provide a high level of support, both for teachers that are new to phonics teaching and for more experienced practitioners looking for planning that matches the latest best practice.
My Letters and Sounds Reception Teacher's Handbook
Teachers' Price: £100.00
for ages 4 to 5
My Letters and Sounds Year 1 Teacher’s Handbook
Teachers' Price: £100.00
for ages 5 to 6
Primary Practice View Series
Primary Practice is the must-have series for mastery of the English and maths curriculums. With high expectations for all learners, these books use a structured approach to ensure children develop a deep understanding of key knowledge and skills.
Primary Practice English Reception Question Book, Ages 4-5
Teachers' Price: £6.00
for ages 4 to 5
Primary Practice English Year 1 Question Book, Ages 5-6
Teachers' Price: £6.00
for ages 5 to 6
Primary Practice English Year 2 Question Book, Ages 6-7
Teachers' Price: £6.00
for ages 6 to 7
Primary Practice English Year 3 Question Book, Ages 7-8
Teachers' Price: £6.00
for ages 7 to 8
Primary Practice English Year 4 Question Book, Ages 8-9
Teachers' Price: £6.00
for ages 8 to 9
Primary Practice English Year 5 Question Book, Ages 9-10
Teachers' Price: £6.00
for ages 9 to 10
Primary Practice English Year 6 Question Book, Ages 10-11
Teachers' Price: £6.00
for ages 10 to 11
The Complete Primary Dictionary View Series
The Complete Primary Dictionary is a completely new dictionary aimed at pupils in Key Stage 2 and above, containing over 75 000 words, definitions and examples. As well as offering precise definitions written in clear and accessible language that children will easily understand, The Complete Primary Dictionary provides a wealth of additional information, displayed in more than 3000 information panel.
The Complete Primary Dictionary
Teachers' Price: £25.00
for ages 9 to 11
WriteWellView Series
Schofield & Sims WriteWell is a complete course designed to guide children from their first steps in mark-making towards the development of secure, fluent and comfortable joined handwriting that can be adapted for a range of purposes.
WriteWell 1: Patterning
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 4 to 5
WriteWell 2: First Letters
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 4 to 5
WriteWell 3: More Letters
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 4 to 5
WriteWell 4: Capital Letters and Numbers
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 5 to 6
WriteWell 5: Letter Size and Position
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 5 to 6
WriteWell 6: First Joining
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 6 to 7
WriteWell 7: More Joining
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 6 to 7
WriteWell 8: Confident Joining
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 7 to 8
WriteWell 9: Fluency
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 8 to 9
WriteWell 10: Speed
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 9 to 10
WriteWell 11: Style
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 10 to 11
WriteWell Teacher’s Handbook
Teachers' Price: £100.00
for ages 4 to 11
KS2 Comprehension View Series
Key Stage 2 Comprehension provides a collection of stimulating texts, together with questions that both build reading comprehension skills and widen vocabulary. Children are encouraged to pay close attention to literal meaning, make inferences and deductions, observe how writing is structured and identify literary devices.
KS2 Comprehension 1: Year 3, Ages 7-8
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 7 to 11
KS2 Comprehension 2: Year 4, Ages 8-9
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 7 to 11
KS2 Comprehension 3: Year 5, Ages 9-10
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 7 to 11
KS2 Comprehension 4: Year 6, Ages 10-11
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 7 to 11
KS2 Comprehension Teacher's Guide
Teachers' Price: £8.00
for ages 7 to 11
English Skills View Series
English Skills provides graded questions that develop pupils' literacy skills at Key Stage 2. Each test is divided into three distinct sections, a 'Warm-up', 'Word work' and 'Sentence work', and key areas are constantly revisited, giving pupils the intensive practice that is essential if they are to become fully literate.
English Skills Introductory Book
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 6 to 8
English Skills Introductory Book Answers
Teachers' Price: £5.00
for ages 6 to 8
English Skills 1
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 7 to 9
English Skills 1 Answers
Teachers' Price: £5.00
for ages 7 to 9
English Skills 2
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 7 to 9
English Skills 2 Answers
Teachers' Price: £5.00
for ages 7 to 9
English Skills 3
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 7 to 9
English Skills 3 Answers
Teachers' Price: £5.00
for ages 7 to 9
English Skills 4
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 9 to 11
English Skills 4 Answers
Teachers' Price: £5.00
for ages 9 to 11
English Skills 5
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 9 to 11
English Skills 5 Answers
Teachers' Price: £5.00
for ages 9 to 11
English Skills 6
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 9 to 11
English Skills 6 Answers
Teachers' Price: £5.00
for ages 9 to 11
English Skills Teacher's Guide
Teachers' Price: £20.00
for ages 6 to 11
Get Set Literacy View Series
Schofield & Sims Get Set Early Years is a comprehensive and engaging early years scheme that aims to bridge the gap between play and formal learning, helping all children to become school-ready by the end of Reception.
Get Set Literacy Teacher's Guide
Teachers' Price: £15.00
for ages 4 to 5
Get Set Literacy Letter Sounds: Reception, Ages 4-5
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 4 to 5
Get Set Literacy Phonics: Reception, Ages 4-5
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 4 to 5
Get Set Literacy Writing Letters: Reception, Ages 4-5
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 4 to 5
Get Set Literacy Writing Words: Reception, Ages 4-5
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 4 to 5
Get Set Literacy Reading and Rhyme: Reception, Ages 4-5
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 4 to 5
My Letters and Sounds Phase Three ReadersView Series
The My Letters and Sounds Phonics Readers are exciting, fully decodable stories that perfectly match the progression of the My Letters and Sounds SSP programme. Phase Three Readers introduce 25 GPCs as well as tricky words ‘he’, ‘she’, ‘we’, ‘me’, ‘be’, ‘was’, ‘my’, ‘you’, ‘they’, ‘her’, ‘all’ and ‘are’, as well as some simple two-syllable words.
At the Shop: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Cubs and Pups: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Mix-up!: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
At My Nan and Pop's: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
I Can See...: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
My Coat: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The King and the Ring: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
This Boat: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Rush, Rush, Rush!: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Hair: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Zak and his Set: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Right Number: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Boatman Toad: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Farm: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Sal the Sow: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Big Quiz: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Look Down: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Right Gap: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Jazzman and His Dog: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
This Coin: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
A Good Job: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Jam Man: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Dads and Mums: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Web: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
In My Town: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Pet Goat: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Chip Can Sit!: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
It Will Be…: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
At the Zoo: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Pet-Sitter: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
My Letters and Sounds Phonics Practice Pupil BooksView Series
The My Letters and Sounds Phonics Practice Pupil Books can be used flexibly, at school or at home, to consolidate the work done in the daily phonics teaching session. They provide practice in the key phonic skills of grapheme recognition and recall, blending to read and segmenting to spell, and build children’s confidence in reading and writing captions and sentences.
My Letters and Sounds Phonics Practice Pupil Book 1
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 4 to 5
My Letters and Sounds Phonics Practice Pupil Book 2
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 4 to 5
My Letters and Sounds Phonics Practice Pupil Book 3
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 4 to 5
My Letters and Sounds Phonics Practice Pupil Book 4
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 4 to 5
My Letters and Sounds Phonics Practice Pupil Book 5
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 5 to 6
My Letters and Sounds Phonics Practice Pupil Book 6
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 5 to 6
My Letters and Sounds Phonics Practice Pupil Book 7
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 5 to 6
My Letters and Sounds Phonics Practice Pupil Book 8
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 5 to 6
First Comprehension View Series
First Comprehension provides an early introduction to written comprehension, developing children’s enthusiasm for reading and their ability to interpret texts. A downwards extension of the award-winning Key Stage 2 Comprehension, First Comprehension is suitable for children who have not previously attempted formal written comprehension.
First Comprehension 1: Year 2, Ages 6-7
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 6 to 8
First Comprehension 2: Year 3, Ages 7-8
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 6 to 8
First Comprehension Teacher's Guide
Teachers' Price: £8.00
for ages 6 to 8
SpellingView Series
Schofield & Sims Spelling is a structured programme designed for Years 1 to 6. This accessible series, ideal for whole-school use, gives pupils extensive practice in using their phonic knowledge to spell words and encourages them to become effective spellers.
Spelling Book 1 (Year 1)
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 5 to 6
Spelling Book 2 (Year 2)
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 6 to 7
Spelling Book 3 (Year 3)
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 7 to 8
Spelling Book 4 (Year 4)
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 8 to 9
Spelling Book 5 (Year 5)
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 9 to 10
Spelling Book 6 (Year 6)
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 10 to 11
Spelling Teacher's Guide
Teachers' Price: £20.00
for ages 5 to 11
Spelling Teacher's Resource Book
Teachers' Price: £20.00
for ages 5 to 11
A Time to Speak View Series
An illustrated poetry anthology with accompanying Teacher's Guide, structured around the verses beginning, 'There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven'. The 100 poems in the collection give pupils an unforgettable introduction to the richness and variety of poetry as a literary form.
A Time to Speak and a Time to Listen Teacher's Guide
Teachers' Price: £25.00
A Time to Speak and a Time to Listen (Hardback)
Teachers' Price: £8.00
for ages 7 to 13
My Letters and Sounds Phase Four ReadersView Series
The My Letters and Sounds Phonics Readers are exciting, fully decodable stories that perfectly match the progression of the My Letters and Sounds SSP programme. Phase Four Readers include words containing adjacent consonants as well as polysyllabic words. The tricky words ‘said’, ‘so’, ‘like’, ‘some’, ‘come’, ‘have’, ‘were’, ‘there’, ‘little’, ‘one’, ‘do’, ‘when’, ‘out’ and ‘what’ are also introduced in the Phase Four story texts.
At the Swimming Pool: My Letters and Sounds Phase Four Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Little One: My Letters and Sounds Phase Four Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Moon Landing: My Letters and Sounds Phase Four Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Best Dog: My Letters and Sounds Phase Four Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
What Am I?: My Letters and Sounds Phase Four Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Trip: My Letters and Sounds Phase Four Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Dark Green Boots: My Letters and Sounds Phase Four Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Gifts: My Letters and Sounds Phase Four Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Crown: My Letters and Sounds Phase Four Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Tent: My Letters and Sounds Phase Four Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Bumps in the Night: My Letters and Sounds Phase Four Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Big Jump: My Letters and Sounds Phase Four Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Top Bunk: My Letters and Sounds Phase Four Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Thank you, Green Man!: My Letters and Sounds Phase Four Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Stop That Chimp!: My Letters and Sounds Phase Four Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Clown: My Letters and Sounds Phase Four Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Thunderstorm: My Letters and Sounds Phase Four Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Winning Street: My Letters and Sounds Phase Four Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Missing Hamster: My Letters and Sounds Phase Four Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Spook Night!: My Letters and Sounds Phase Four Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
My Letters and Sounds Phase Two ReadersView Series
The My Letters and Sounds Phonics Readers are exciting, fully decodable stories that perfectly match the progression of the My Letters and Sounds SSP programme. Phase Two Readers introduce the first 23 GPCs as well as tricky words ‘the’, ‘to’, ‘I’, ‘go’ and ‘no’.
Cam and Kat: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Big Hug: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Pip: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Tim: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
It is Fun: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
On the Hill: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Sit: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Top Hat: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Pet: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Peck, Peck Peck: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Cup: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Min and Sid: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Pick and Pack: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
In the Net: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Kit: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
On the Red Rug: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Run, Bug, Run: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Big Pot: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
At the Till: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Mess: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Sam: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
A Gap: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Dig It: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Man and Dog: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Go Get Nan: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Pin: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Sip: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Dad: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Tap It: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Pop on Top!: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Pack It!: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Rap, Tip, Tap: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Duck: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Sid: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Picnic: My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Early Comprehension View Series
Early Comprehension develops children's ability to make sense of pictures and text through activities such as story sequencing, reading for meaning and traditional comprehension work. Exercises are put in a 'real-world' context and texts include advertisements, book covers and speech bubbles.
Early Comprehension Book 1
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 5 to 7
Early Comprehension Book 2
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 5 to 7
Early Comprehension Book 3
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 5 to 7
Understanding EnglishView Series
Understanding English is a series of topic-based study books for children in Key Stage 2, providing rigorous practice of key subject areas. Each topic contains a concise summary of the information required by the National Curriculum, making the series ideal for use as preparation for the Key Stage 2 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test.
Understanding English: Punctuation
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 7 to 11
Understanding English: Grammar
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 7 to 11
Understanding English: Spelling
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 7 to 11
Understanding English: Vocabulary
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 7 to 11
Understanding English: Poetry
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 7 to 11
Understanding English: Fiction
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 7 to 11
Understanding English: Non-fiction
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 7 to 11
Understanding English: Practice
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 7 to 11
Handwriting Practice View Series
The Handwriting Practice books are fully compatible with any school handwriting scheme and work methodically through letters and joins. The simple format of the books enables children to work independently, and workbook-style exercises, such as copying items onto a menu, consolidate learning.
Handwriting Practice 1
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 5 to 7
Handwriting Practice 2
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 7 to 11
My Letters and Sounds Phase Five ReadersView Series
The My Letters and Sounds Phonics Readers are exciting, fully decodable stories that perfectly match the progression of the My Letters and Sounds SSP programme. Phase Five Readers introduce 18GPCs as well as tricky words ‘love’, ‘looked’, ‘oh’, ‘people’, ‘their’, ‘your’, ‘Mr’, ‘Mrs’, ‘asked’, ‘called’, ‘could’, ‘would’, ‘should’, ‘our’, ‘here’, ‘house’, ‘mouse’, ‘water’, ‘want’, ‘who’, ‘whole’, ‘where’, ‘any’, ‘many’, ‘two’, ‘school’, ‘work’, ‘different’, ‘thought’, ‘friend’, ‘through’, ‘once’, ‘eye’, ‘laughed’, ‘because’, ‘beautiful’, ‘hour’, ‘parent’, ‘shoe’, ‘move’ and ‘improve’. In Phase Five, the non-fiction texts include more sophisticated non-fiction devices, such as fact boxes and simple diagrams. Many of the non-fiction texts in this Phase also include photographs.
Waiting for Mum: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
The Garden: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
Let's Have Lunch!: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
The Twins: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
Scout the Stray: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
The Compost Heap: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
The New Teacher: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
Farmers are Fantastic!: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
The Car Boot Sale: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
The Light-up Skates: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
Games in the Rain: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
The Nest Box: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
How to Take a Photo of a Tiger: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
The Sleepover: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
The Rainbow Unicorn: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
Your Amazing Body: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
Cousins in the Countryside: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
The Magic Show: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
The Doll's House: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
The Badge: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
How Do They Fly?: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
Time Travel with Gran: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
When Dinosaurs Walked: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
The Walkie-talkies: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
The Lonely Bear: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
Beautiful Bees: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
The Lucky Card: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
Grans and Grandads: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
Let's Make Slime!: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
Gymnastics Club: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
Eat the Rainbow: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
Treasures Under the Sea: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
Furry Heroes: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
Jake's Amazing Mission: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
My Letters and Sounds Phase Three ReadersView Series
The My Letters and Sounds Phonics Readers are exciting, fully decodable stories that perfectly match the progression of the My Letters and Sounds SSP programme. Phase Three Readers introduce 25 GPCs as well as tricky words ‘he’, ‘she’, ‘we’, ‘me’, ‘be’, ‘was’, ‘my’, ‘you’, ‘they’, ‘her’, ‘all’ and ‘are’, as well as some simple two-syllable words.
At the Shop: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Cubs and Pups: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Mix-up!: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
At My Nan and Pop's: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
I Can See...: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
My Coat: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The King and the Ring: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
This Boat: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Rush, Rush, Rush!: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Hair: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Zak and his Set: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Right Number: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Boatman Toad: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Farm: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Sal the Sow: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Big Quiz: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Look Down: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Right Gap: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Jazzman and His Dog: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
This Coin: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
A Good Job: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Jam Man: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Dads and Mums: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Web: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
In My Town: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Pet Goat: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Chip Can Sit!: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
It Will Be…: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
At the Zoo: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Pet-Sitter: My Letters and Sounds Phase Three Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
My Spelling Book View Series
My Spelling Book allows children to record and practise spellings using the strategy, ‘Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check’. Perfect for weekly spelling practice, the book contains space for 40 sets of 15 spellings.
My Spelling Book
Teachers' Price: £2.00
for ages 7 to 11
Understanding Reasoning View Series
Understanding Reasoning helps pupils to understand and answer the reasoning questions found in the 11+, 12+, 13+ and other school selection tests. The books provide explanations and examples of all 11+ question types, together with 'how to' instructions and workbook-style activities to consolidate learning.
Understanding Reasoning: Verbal Reasoning
Teachers' Price: £7.50
for ages 9 to 13
Understanding Reasoning: Non-verbal Reasoning
Teachers' Price: £7.50
for ages 9 to 13
My Letters and Sounds Phase Four ReadersView Series
The My Letters and Sounds Phonics Readers are exciting, fully decodable stories that perfectly match the progression of the My Letters and Sounds SSP programme. Phase Four Readers include words containing adjacent consonants as well as polysyllabic words. The tricky words ‘said’, ‘so’, ‘like’, ‘some’, ‘come’, ‘have’, ‘were’, ‘there’, ‘little’, ‘one’, ‘do’, ‘when’, ‘out’ and ‘what’ are also introduced in the Phase Four story texts.
At the Swimming Pool: My Letters and Sounds Phase Four Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Little One: My Letters and Sounds Phase Four Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Moon Landing: My Letters and Sounds Phase Four Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Best Dog: My Letters and Sounds Phase Four Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
What Am I?: My Letters and Sounds Phase Four Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Trip: My Letters and Sounds Phase Four Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Dark Green Boots: My Letters and Sounds Phase Four Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Gifts: My Letters and Sounds Phase Four Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Crown: My Letters and Sounds Phase Four Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Tent: My Letters and Sounds Phase Four Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Bumps in the Night: My Letters and Sounds Phase Four Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Big Jump: My Letters and Sounds Phase Four Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Top Bunk: My Letters and Sounds Phase Four Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Thank you, Green Man!: My Letters and Sounds Phase Four Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Stop That Chimp!: My Letters and Sounds Phase Four Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Clown: My Letters and Sounds Phase Four Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Thunderstorm: My Letters and Sounds Phase Four Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Winning Street: My Letters and Sounds Phase Four Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
The Missing Hamster: My Letters and Sounds Phase Four Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
Spook Night!: My Letters and Sounds Phase Four Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 4 to 5
First Thesaurus View Series
The First Thesaurus contains more than 2000 headwords and a further 10 000 synonyms, as well as a special children's introduction to the thesaurus. The thesaurus can be used alongside the First Dictionary, and both are supported by the First Dictionary & Thesaurus Activities.
First Thesaurus
Teachers' Price: £8.00
for ages 5 to 9
My Letters and Sounds Phase Five ReadersView Series
The My Letters and Sounds Phonics Readers are exciting, fully decodable stories that perfectly match the progression of the My Letters and Sounds SSP programme. Phase Five Readers introduce 18GPCs as well as tricky words ‘love’, ‘looked’, ‘oh’, ‘people’, ‘their’, ‘your’, ‘Mr’, ‘Mrs’, ‘asked’, ‘called’, ‘could’, ‘would’, ‘should’, ‘our’, ‘here’, ‘house’, ‘mouse’, ‘water’, ‘want’, ‘who’, ‘whole’, ‘where’, ‘any’, ‘many’, ‘two’, ‘school’, ‘work’, ‘different’, ‘thought’, ‘friend’, ‘through’, ‘once’, ‘eye’, ‘laughed’, ‘because’, ‘beautiful’, ‘hour’, ‘parent’, ‘shoe’, ‘move’ and ‘improve’. In Phase Five, the non-fiction texts include more sophisticated non-fiction devices, such as fact boxes and simple diagrams. Many of the non-fiction texts in this Phase also include photographs.
Waiting for Mum: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
The Garden: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
Let's Have Lunch!: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
The Twins: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
Scout the Stray: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
The Compost Heap: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
The New Teacher: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
Farmers are Fantastic!: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
The Car Boot Sale: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
The Light-up Skates: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
Games in the Rain: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
The Nest Box: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
How to Take a Photo of a Tiger: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
The Sleepover: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
The Rainbow Unicorn: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
Your Amazing Body: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
Cousins in the Countryside: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
The Messy Chef: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
The Magic Show: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
The Doll's House: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
The Badge: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
How Do They Fly?: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
Time Travel with Gran: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
When Dinosaurs Walked: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
The Walkie-talkies: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
The Lonely Bear: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
Beautiful Bees: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
The Lucky Card: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
Grans and Grandads: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
Let's Make Slime!: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
Gymnastics Club: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
Eat the Rainbow: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
Treasures Under the Sea: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
Furry Heroes: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
Jake's Amazing Mission: My Letters and Sounds Phase Five Phonics Reader
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
Daisy Lane Pre-school View Series
The Daisy Lane Home-School Readers are lively stories for adults and children to enjoy together. Written to support the Foundation Stage curriculum, every book includes stimulating ideas for reading activities which will guide and inspire you as you use the story to nurture children's early literacy skills.
Reading with Pre-school Children
Teachers' Price: £2.50
for ages 3 to 5
I can do that!
Teachers' Price: £2.50
for ages 3 to 5
In the shed
Teachers' Price: £2.50
for ages 3 to 5
Toy trouble
Teachers' Price: £2.50
for ages 3 to 5
Max's monster meal
Teachers' Price: £2.50
for ages 3 to 5
Silly bear, Boris bear!
Teachers' Price: £2.50
for ages 3 to 5
Daisy Lane Young Children View Series
The Daisy Lane Home-School Readers are lively stories for adults and children to enjoy together. Written to support the Foundation Stage curriculum, every book includes stimulating ideas for reading activities which will guide and inspire you as you use the story to nurture children's early literacy skills.
Reading with Young Children
Teachers' Price: £2.50
for ages 3 to 5
Lost and found
Teachers' Price: £2.50
for ages 3 to 5
Look at this!
Teachers' Price: £2.50
for ages 3 to 5
Can I come in?
Teachers' Price: £2.50
for ages 3 to 5
Teachers' Price: £2.50
for ages 3 to 5
What a laugh!
Teachers' Price: £2.50
for ages 3 to 5
Helping Harpo
Teachers' Price: £2.50
for ages 3 to 5
My Letters and Sounds e-reader phonics libraryView Series
The e-reader library features digital versions of every Phonics Reader from the My Letters and Sounds programme. These electronic books are provided in a flexible and secure FlippingBook format that can easily be displayed on digital devices.
My Letters and Sounds e-reader phonics library
Teachers' Price: £240.00
for ages 4 to 7
My Reading Record Key Stage 1 View Series
Schofield & Sims reading records help to ensure effective communication between schools and those reading with children at home. Practical notes explain the importance of reading at home and outline the priorities for children's reading at the appropriate key stage, while vocabulary lists and review pages encourage children and adults to take an active role in reading.
KS1 My Reading Record
Teachers' Price: £2.00
for ages 5 to 7
Picture Dictionary View Series
The Picture Dictionary features over 500 headwords, with high-frequency words shown in bold type, and provides an alphabet strip on every double-page spread. Attractive illustrations indicate the meaning of each word, and separate lists of verbs, opposites, colours, days, months and numbers to 20 are also included.
Picture Dictionary
Teachers' Price: £3.00
for ages 5 to 7
My Reading Record Key Stage 2 View Series
Schofield & Sims reading records help to ensure effective communication between schools and those reading with children at home. Practical notes explain the importance of reading at home and outline the priorities for children's reading at the appropriate key stage, while vocabulary lists and review pages encourage children and adults to take an active role in reading.
KS2 My Reading Record
Teachers' Price: £2.00
for ages 7 to 11
First Dictionary View Series
The First Dictionary helps to widen children's vocabulary and develop their reading, writing and spelling skills as they transition from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2.
First Dictionary
Teachers' Price: £8.00
for ages 5 to 9
First Dictionary & Thesaurus Activities View Series
This workbook has been specially written for use with the First Illustrated Dictionary or First Dictionary and with the First Thesaurus. The activities encourage effective use of both dictionary and thesaurus, focusing on word meaning, spelling and synonyms.
First Dictionary and Thesaurus Activities
Teachers' Price: £3.50
for ages 5 to 9
First Illustrated Dictionary View Series
A progression from the Picture Dictionary, the First Illustrated Dictionary contains more than 2000 headwords, as well as short forms, irregular plurals and pronunciation. Lists of colours, months, days and numbers are also given, and the dictionary is supported by the First Dictionary and Thesaurus Activities.
First Illustrated Dictionary
Teachers' Price: £8.00
for ages 5 to 9
My Letters and Sounds Reception Resources and Classroom KitsView Series
The My Letters and Sounds Reception Resources and Classroom Kits feature over 600 durable, colour versions of the core teaching resources used frequently and repeatedly in Reception lessons.
Resources can be purchased as a kit containing everything you need or as individual components.
My Letters and Sounds Reception Classroom Kit
Teachers' Price: £300.00
for ages 4 to 5
My Letters and Sounds Mnemonics
Teachers' Price: £18.00
for ages 4 to 5
My Letters and Sounds Reception Sound Mats
Teachers' Price: £18.00
for ages 4 to 5
My Letters and Sounds Reception Frieze
Teachers' Price: £18.00
for ages 4 to 5
My Letters and Sounds Phoneme Frames
Teachers' Price: £48.00
for ages 4 to 5
My Letters and Sounds Reception Tog Posting Box
Teachers' Price: £12.00
for ages 4 to 5
My Letters and Sounds Writing Letters Poster
Teachers' Price: £12.00
for ages 4 to 5
My Letters and Sounds Reception Grapheme Cards
Teachers' Price: £60.00
for ages 4 to 5
My Letters and Sounds Reception Word Cards
Teachers' Price: £114.00
for ages 4 to 5
My Letters and Sounds Year 1 Resources and Classroom KitsView Series
The My Letters and Sounds Year 1 Resources and Classroom Kits feature over 700 durable, colour versions of the core teaching resources used frequently and repeatedly in Year 1 lessons.
Resources can be purchased as a kit containing everything you need or as individual components.
My Letters and Sounds Year 1 Classroom Kit
Teachers' Price: £300.00
for ages 5 to 7
My Letters and Sounds Year 1 Sound Mats
Teachers' Price: £24.00
for ages 5 to 7
My Letters and Sounds Year 1 Frieze
Teachers' Price: £60.00
for ages 5 to 7
My Letters and Sounds Year 1 Grapheme Cards
Teachers' Price: £54.00
for ages 5 to 7
My Letters and Sounds Year 1 Word Cards
Teachers' Price: £162.00
for ages 5 to 7
Nursery View Series
Schofield & Sims Nursery Books is a range of colourful and fun workbooks written to help children aged 3 years and above develop the essential skills for life.
Nursery Activity Book 1: Early Years, Ages 3+
Teachers' Price: £3.50
for ages 3 to 5
Nursery Activity Book 2: Early Years, Ages 3+
Teachers' Price: £3.50
for ages 3 to 5
Nursery Activity Book 3: Early Years, Ages 3+
Teachers' Price: £3.50
for ages 3 to 5
Nursery Writing Book 1: Early Years, Ages 3+
Teachers' Price: £3.50
for ages 3 to 5
Nursery Writing Book 2: Early Years, Ages 3+
Teachers' Price: £3.50
for ages 3 to 5
Nursery Writing Book 3: Early Years, Ages 3+
Teachers' Price: £3.50
for ages 3 to 5
My Word Book View Series
My Word Book includes over 800 words arranged alphabetically, and a further 300 arranged by word type or theme, alongside spaces for children to add their own words. Colourful illustrations provide attractive reminders of word meanings, and space is provided for the teacher to note the child's specific targets in writing.
My Word Book
Teachers' Price: £2.00
for ages 5 to 7
Get Set Literacy View Series
Schofield & Sims Get Set Early Years is a comprehensive and engaging early years scheme that aims to bridge the gap between play and formal learning, helping all children to become school-ready by the end of Reception.
Get Set Literacy Teacher's Guide
Teachers' Price: £15.00
for ages 4 to 5
Get Set Literacy Letter Sounds: Reception, Ages 4-5
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 4 to 5
Get Set Literacy Phonics: Reception, Ages 4-5
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 4 to 5
Get Set Literacy Writing Letters: Reception, Ages 4-5
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 4 to 5
Get Set Literacy Writing Words: Reception, Ages 4-5
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 4 to 5
Get Set Literacy Reading and Rhyme: Reception, Ages 4-5
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 4 to 5
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