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my letters and sounds

Save time ordering My Letters and Sounds books and resources with these pre-made phonics packages.

Order Phonics Readers by phase or choose a complete year group package for Reception and Year 1 that include everything needed to teach phonics.

My Letters and Sounds packages

Use this page to order packages of My Letters and Sounds books and resources. Quantities of books can be adjusted once a package has been added to your basket.

Phase Two Readers

Phase Two Readers

Phase Two features 35 Phonics Readers that introduce the first 23 GPCs as well as tricky words ‘the’, ‘to’, ‘I’, ‘go’ and ‘no’.

Retail Price: £138.25
Teachers' Price: £105.00

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My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Readers Booster Pack Bundle

My Letters and Sounds Phase Two Readers Booster Pack Bundle

New for the 2023 Autumn term, 10 brand-new Phase Two readers will provide additional coverage of GPCs and tricky words taught in the first nine weeks of the My Letters and Sounds programme.

Retail Price: £39.50
Teachers' Price: £30.00

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Phase Three Readers

Phase Three Readers

A set of all 30 readers from My Letters and Sounds Phase Three. These readers introduce the remaining letters of the alphabet and their associated sounds, as well as digraphs and trigraphs. Tricky words 'he', 'she', 'we', 'me', 'be', 'was', 'my', 'you', 'they', 'her', 'all' and 'are' are covered, as well as some simple two-syllable words.

Retail Price: £118.50
Teachers' Price: £90.00

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Phase Four Readers

Phase Four Readers

A set of all 20 readers from My Letters and Sounds Phase Four. These readers revise all GPCs learnt in Phases Two and Three. In addition, Phase Four introduces the skills of reading and spelling with adjacent consonants, as well as tricky words 'said', 'so', 'like', 'some', 'come', 'have', 'were', 'there', 'little', 'one', 'out', 'do', 'when' and 'what'.

Retail Price: £79.00
Teachers' Price: £60.00

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Phase Five Readers

Phase Five Readers

A set of all 35 readers from My Letters and Sounds Phase Five. These readers introduce additional graphemes for phonemes already taught and alternative pronunciations for known graphemes. Familiar tricky words are revised and 43 new tricky words are learned.

Retail Price: £138.25
Teachers' Price: £105.00

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My Letters and Sounds Reception

My Letters and Sounds Reception

This complete package features everything needed to teach My Letters and Sounds phonics in Reception, including a Teacher's Handbook, a Classroom Kit of physical teaching resources, Phonics Practice Pupil Books and fully decodable Phonics Readers and e-readers. Quantities of individual items can be adjusted at checkout.

Retail Price: £1,435.55
Teachers' Price: £911.00

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My Letters and Sounds Year 1

My Letters and Sounds Year 1

This complete package features everything needed to teach My Letters and Sounds phonics in Year 1, including a Teacher's Handbook, a Classroom Kit of physical teaching resources, Phonics Practice Pupil Books and fully decodable Phonics Readers and e-readers. Quantities of individual items can be adjusted at checkout.

Retail Price: £1,238.05
Teachers' Price: £761.00

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Phonics training and CPD

The My Letters and Sounds programme also offers high-quality and affordable training sessions for schools that need help implementing the programme, upskilling staff and supporting the effective delivery of the programme. To add phonics training to your order, please contact us by email: or telephone: +44 (0) 1484 607080.