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New Times Tables Practice

14 March 2016

New Times Tables Practice

Ahead of the government's plans to introduce a times tables check for 11 year olds, Schofield & Sims is pleased to announce the publication of Times Tables Practice, a brand new two-book series designed to help children learn their times tables up to 12x12.

Knowing the times tables is vital to success in maths, and in recognition of this, the new National Curriculum now requires pupils to be able to recite their times tables up to 12x12 by the age of nine. In keeping with the new curriculum guidelines, Times Tables Practice not only features all the times tables up to 12 x 12, but also helps children to learn their times tables quicker, by placing an emphasis on using and understanding the commutative law, the principal whereby if a child knows one times tables fact, they automatically know a second.

Above all, however, Times Tables Practice provides an enjoyable way of learning, featuring a variety of engaging activities and attractive illustrations that will hold a child’s attention while they practice the times tables relevant to their age group, as outlined below:

  • Times Tables Practice 1 is aimed at pupils in Years 1, 2 and 3 and covers the ×2, ×3, ×4, ×5 and ×10 times tables.
  • Times Tables Practice 2 is aimed at pupils in Years 3 and 4, and as revision for older children, and focuses on the ×6, ×7, ×8, ×9, ×11 and ×12 times tables.

The activities in each book are structured in sections that look separately at different tables. Each section encourages children to:

  • practise counting
  • build the multiplication table
  • memorise and manipulate number facts
  • improve their rapid recall skills
  • derive related division facts.

Many exercises in the books include notes highlighting useful rules that will help children to remember their tables. Pupils are also encouraged to use known facts learned earlier in the books to help them tackle more challenging multiplication and division questions. Once they have mastered each table, problem solving pages incorporating everyday themes, including money, encourage them to apply their new-found skills to real-life situations. Additional timed activities are also provided to build children’s confidence and prepare them for classroom tests.

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