Teach Primary Written Calculation review

Top marks for Schofield & Sims Written Calculation in a new review by John Dabell for Teach Primary magazine.
For anyone not yet familiar with our new Written Calculation series, Teach Primary's John Dabell provides a good summary in his recent review, describing it as 'a whole heap of simple instruction, worked examples and very structured practice in all the areas children need to master by the end of their primary career'. We couldn't have put it better ourselves!
Aspects of the series that were singled out for particular praise include the 'very clear structure' of the programme and the Teacher's Guide: 'a clear, concise and very useful reference for getting the best out of the activities'. The reviewer also made the point - one that we share - that however creative you are with the curriculum, there’s no getting away from the fact that practice is key; something that Written Calculation doesn't shy away from.
For a synopsis of the review, you can read the final verdict below:
"I like the series. It’s a no nonsense, ‘let’s get on with it’ resource that means business and will help children learn the importance of mastering one step before they go on to another. I think the most logical way of using the resources is to do so systematically: stick with the programme and watch children’s confidence grow. This series is a very affordable choice and would be money well spent."
Alternatively, you can view the full review on the Teach Primary website or in November's edition of the magazine.
To try Written Calculation for yourself why not take advantage of our Written Calculation Taster Pack which allows you to purchase all 6 pupil books, Addition Answers, Teacher’s Guide and Teacher’s Resource Book for just £25.00.
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